Pieces Of The Week 110

Got a new awesome copper bracelet by a Berlin brand. Will tell you more about it on Wednesday!

This little cutie turned one year old this week. Time flies!!!

These were the presents the boy and I gave her. And according to her smile I think she liked them!:)

Since this week it´s really cold outside so I had to wear my winter jacket for the first time.

Look whom I found in the current issue of U-eins magazine!:)
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Comments (5):

  1. Anonym

    9. November 2014 at 19:46

    Nice pictures, and the little one so cute.

  2. Pinki Wink

    9. November 2014 at 21:03

    Der Armreif ist wirklich super schön und herzlichen Glückwunsch fürs Erscheinen im U-Eins Magazin :)
    Aber was ist das in der Dose auf dem ersten Bild???
    Liebe Grüße an dich und einen guten Start in die Woche


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